Mayors' Track

Event Details
During the Opening Ceremony of the EcoMobility World Festival 2017 , the mayor of Kaohsiung, Mayor Chen Chu, welcomed all residents and tourists to witness the landmark event in Kaohsiung -
Event Details
During the Opening Ceremony of the EcoMobility World Festival 2017 , the mayor of Kaohsiung, Mayor Chen Chu, welcomed all residents and tourists to witness the landmark event in Kaohsiung – the first EcoMobility World Festival. This was a very lively event with parades and various cultural and traditional performances lined up to lighten the festivity atmosphere.
Photo credit:(c) City of Kaohsiung
(Sunday) 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm UTC+08:00
Beside KMRT Sizihwan Station exit 2 (Gushan 1st Rd.)
Speakers for this event
Chen Chu
Chen Chu
Mayor, City of Kaohsiung
Mayor, City of Kaohsiung
Gino Van Begin
Gino Van Begin
Secretary General, ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability, Bonn, Germany
Secretary General, ICLEI-Local Governmen...
Monika Zimmermann
Monika Zimmermann
Deputy Secretary General, ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, Bonn, Germany
Monika's vision as Deputy Secretary General is to enrich all ICLEI agendas through global projects and global city cooperation networks, further improve the consistency, methodology and description of ICLEI's working approaches and to strengthen the relations to new and existing ICLEI partners. Joining ICLEI in 1993 when she started to build up the International Training Center at ICLEI European Secretariat. In 2010, she joined the World Secretariat, where she manages the teams working on global events, knowledge management, urban research, EcoMobility and Future City Leaders. Since 2012, she assumed the role of Deputy Executive Director of the ICLEI e.V., the legal body of the ICLEI World Secretariat where she takes the responsibility as Finance Director. She also supervises the Capacity Center, the Resilient Cities and EcoMobility Teams, as well as the development and coordination of ICLEI's agendas on Resource-Efficient Cities and Green Urban Economy.
Deputy Secretary General, ICLEI - Local ...
Kaohsiung City Government
Event Details
How can we return the city and spaces back to the people? A paradigm shift is needed to redefine mobility and go beyond merely providing transport by
Event Details
How can we return the city and spaces back to the people?
A paradigm shift is needed to redefine mobility and go beyond merely providing transport by focusing on residents’ quality of life and prioritizing pedestrian spaces and active forms of transport over automobiles and highways.
A KED talk session offered ideas, concepts and solutions on future urban mobility in a short and concise way. Each speaker made a pitch and a proposal, a plea.
(Monday) 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm UTC+08:00
- Day 1
- 2017-10-02
16.00 Introduction and moderation16.00 - .Monika Zimmermann, Deputy Secretary General, ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability, Bonn, GermanySpeakers: Monika Zimmermann
. Mobility from a people perspective. - .Robert Stussi, CEO, Perform Energia Consulting, Lisbon, Portugal Speakers: Robert Stussi
. City on a bike. - .Manfred Neun, Director, European Cycling Federation, GermanySpeakers: Manfred Breithaupt
. Of Parks and Public Spaces. - .Bronwen Thornton, Development Director, Walk 21, United Kingdom
. Discussion. - 17.00Monika Zimmermann, Deputy Secretary General, ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability, Bonn, GermanySpeakers: Monika Zimmermann
Speakers for this event
Bronwen Thornton
Bronwen Thornton
Development Director, Walk 21, United Kingdom
Bronwen is an international expert, facilitator and trainer on walking and walkable communities, giving walking a voice on the international stage and within local communities, cities and professional arenas. She has more than 20 years of experience in strategic transport planning, community and political engagement and policy and project development with a focus on equitable and sustainable transport. She works on European projects to improve and promote walkability, delivers Walkability Masterclasses and Roadshows and contributes to international projects such as the Sustainable Development Goals, Transport and Climate actions and the New Urban Agenda. She is currently a Board member of SLoCaT (The Sustainable Low Carbon Transport Foundation) and the International Federation of Pedestrians.
Development Director, Walk 21, United Ki...
Manfred Neun
Manfred Neun
President, European Cycling Foundation, Germany
Manfred is a key figure in the world of global cycling advocacy. By initiating a scientific based approach to content, he has ensured that important global decision makers are hearing the ECF’s key messages, as at the 2011 OECD International Transport Forum 51 transport ministers, or as he delivered the content to identify that ‘Cycling Delivers!’ to 14 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Under his leadership Velo-city has been transformed into an annual, international conference series, with the next global cycling summit 2018 in Rio de Janeiro, and one of the ECF’s global networks he initiated is “Scientists for Cycling”.
President, European Cycling Foundation, ...
Monika Zimmermann
Monika Zimmermann
Deputy Secretary General, ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, Bonn, Germany
Monika's vision as Deputy Secretary General is to enrich all ICLEI agendas through global projects and global city cooperation networks, further improve the consistency, methodology and description of ICLEI's working approaches and to strengthen the relations to new and existing ICLEI partners. Joining ICLEI in 1993 when she started to build up the International Training Center at ICLEI European Secretariat. In 2010, she joined the World Secretariat, where she manages the teams working on global events, knowledge management, urban research, EcoMobility and Future City Leaders. Since 2012, she assumed the role of Deputy Executive Director of the ICLEI e.V., the legal body of the ICLEI World Secretariat where she takes the responsibility as Finance Director. She also supervises the Capacity Center, the Resilient Cities and EcoMobility Teams, as well as the development and coordination of ICLEI's agendas on Resource-Efficient Cities and Green Urban Economy.
Deputy Secretary General, ICLEI - Local ...
Robert Stussi
Robert Stussi
CEO, Perform Energia Consulting, Lisbon, Portugal
Robert Stüssi, of Swiss and Portuguese nationality is a urban planner, transport and mobility consultant and manager of various companies and advisor for public and private entities, research and teaching; networker and conference organizer and moderator; consortium leader and project director (EC, URBACT, Interreg, IDB, BAD, ASDI). He was the former president of the NGOs Portuguese, European and World Association for Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle.
CEO, Perform Energia Consulting, Lisbon,...

Event Details
Hosted by the City of Kaohsiung, the welcome reception provided a standing buffet for all Congress participants to mingle and network while enjoying local cultural performances by three different indigenous
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Hosted by the City of Kaohsiung, the welcome reception provided a standing buffet for all Congress participants to mingle and network while enjoying local cultural performances by three different indigenous groups.
In addition, booths showcasing traditional handicraft were available for participants to experience and understand the local culture through art. The evening highlighted examples such as the Meinong paper umbrella, a traditional dowry for the Hakka people; Namasia indigenous dance and others.
Photo credit:(c) City of Kaohsiung
(Monday) 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm UTC+08:00
Kaohsiung City Government

Event Details
Mayors and city leaders from different regions share how they advance ecomobility in their cities as a cornerstone of urban sustainable development. What works well? Where do they
Event Details
Mayors and city leaders from different regions share how they advance ecomobility in their cities as a cornerstone of urban sustainable development. What works well? Where do they struggle? What roles do residents, business and interest groups play? What are their recommendations to colleagues?
Through the peer-to-peer exchanges and inputs, the panel provided a space to identify local and regional mobility policy priorities. Panelists reflected on the types of approaches adopted in different cities and draw links between insights.
- Present various experiences of local governments to plan for urban mobility advancement in their cities and identify success factors, resources employed, barriers to implementation, lessons learned from implementation processes, and potential improvements.
- Share the aspirations of local governments to change the current mobility system or structure in the future.
- Shape and provide a strong political input to the “Kaohsiung Declaration on cities, climate and mobility in future times” through discussions on the key priorities of urban mobility and the national and international framework conditions that are needed for local governments to enact these priorities.
Photo credit:(c) City of Kaohsiung
(Tuesday) 9:00 am - 10:30 am UTC+08:00
- Day 1
- 2017-10-03
09.00 Introduction and moderation09.00 - 09.05Shi Fang Liu, City Councillor, Kaohsiung and former Member of the ICLEI Regional Executive Committee for East Asia Speakers: Shi Fang Liu
09.05 Mayors Share 09.05 - 10.00Chen Chu, Mayor, Kaohsiung Jan van Zanen, Mayor, Utrecht, Netherlands Park Jae Min, Deputy Mayor for Administrative Affair, Busan, South Korea Tano Harumitsu, Vice Mayor, Kumamoto, Japan Teo Ho Pin, Mayor, Northwest District, Singapore Speakers: Chen Chu, Jan van Zanen, Park Jae Min, Shyh-fang Liu, Tano Harumitsu
10:00 Discussion and conclusions10:00 - 10:20Shyh-fang Liu, Legislator, former Member of the ICLEI Regional Executive Committee for East Asia Speakers: Shyh-fang Liu
Speakers for this event
Arthur Robes
Arthur Robes
Mayor, San Jose del Monte, Philippines
Mayor, San Jose del Monte, Philippines
Chen Chu
Chen Chu
Mayor, City of Kaohsiung
Mayor, City of Kaohsiung
Jan van Zanen
Jan van Zanen
Mayor, Utrecht, Netherlands
Jan van Zanen was born in 1961, and spent his childhood in the city of Edam-Volendam. He completed his law studies at the VU University Amsterdam and at Cornell University Law School in Ithaca, New York, USA. He was appointed Alderman of Financial and Economic Affairs, Public Space and Monuments in 1998, which he remained for seven years. Between 2003 and 2008, he was national chairman of the VVD. Mr Van Zanen was Mayor of Amstelveen between 2005 and 2013. Since January 1st 2014 he is Mayor of Utrecht, and since June 3rd 2015 he is charmain of the Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG).
Mayor, Utrecht, Netherlands
Maimunah Mohd Sharif
Maimunah Mohd Sharif
Mayor, Penang, Malaysia
Mayor, Penang, Malaysia
Park Jae Min
Park Jae Min
Deputy Mayor for Administrative Affair, Busan, South Korea
Deputy Mayor for Administrative Affair, ...
Shi Fang Liu
Shi Fang Liu
City Councillor, Kaohsiung and former Member of the ICLEI Regional Executive Committee for East Asia
City Councillor, Kaohsiung and former Me...
Shyh-fang Liu
Shyh-fang Liu
Legislator, former Member of the ICLEI Regional Executive Committee for East Asia
Legislator, former Member of the ICLEI R...
Tano Harumitsu
Tano Harumitsu
Vice Mayor, Kumamoto City, Japan
1981年 熊本市役所 入庁 2005年 行政経営課長 2009年 交通局次長 2011年 観光文化交流局局次長 兼 観光交流部長 2012年 農水商工局長 2015年 総務局長 2017年 副市長
Vice Mayor, Kumamoto City, Japan

Event Details
The International Press Conference expressed the city leaders' commitment to the public after the Mayors' Panel. Photo credit:(c) City of Kaohsiung
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The International Press Conference expressed the city leaders’ commitment to the public after the Mayors’ Panel.
Photo credit:(c) City of Kaohsiung
(Tuesday) 10:30 am - 11:15 am UTC+08:00
Warehouse B6, Pier-2 Art Centre

Event Details
Participants in the Mayors’ track of the EcoMobility World Congress were invited to take part in the Mayors’ EcoMobility Ride. Mayors, municipal leaders, and VIPs joined a parade of innovative ecomobile vehicles,
Event Details
Participants in the Mayors’ track of the EcoMobility World Congress were invited to take part in the Mayors’ EcoMobility Ride. Mayors, municipal leaders, and VIPs joined a parade of innovative ecomobile vehicles, such as segways, small electric vehicles, electric shuttles and a variety of cycling vehicles that traveled a dedicated course through the Hamasen Festival neighborhood. During the ride, mayors learned how Kaohsiung transformed the city to be more ecomobile and livable for residents. The ride demonstrated how ecomobile modes of transport could be used in a real neighborhood and integrated into urban environments.
Photo credit: (c) City of Kaohsiung
(Tuesday) 11:30 am - 12:45 pm UTC+08:00

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Mayors had a chance to visit, learn, and interact with more than 40 local and international solutions providers at the EcoMobility World Expo. This was a great platform to test
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Mayors had a chance to visit, learn, and interact with more than 40 local and international solutions providers at the EcoMobility World Expo. This was a great platform to test the latest technological advancements and explore partnership opportunities.
(Tuesday) 2:30 pm - 3:15 pm

Event Details
During this session, the following activities were organized: official mayor-to-mayor engagement (upon invitation); personal meetings (if interested); media interviews for mayors who were willing to meet the media and have
Event Details
During this session, the following activities were organized:
- official mayor-to-mayor engagement (upon invitation);
- personal meetings (if interested);
- media interviews for mayors who were willing to meet the media and have a personal interview; and/or
- attend the parallel sessions.
Participants at the Mayors’ track can contact the Congress team for any special arrangements (
(Tuesday) 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm UTC+08:00
VIP Room, Warehouse B6
Event Details
Transport accounts for about 22% of the global greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and the numbers continue to increase due to growing motorization rates. While cities know that phasing
Event Details
Transport accounts for about 22% of the global greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and the numbers continue to increase due to growing motorization rates. While cities know that phasing out fossil fuel is a direct solution to reducing GHG, the debate of whether we should prioritize the promotion of electric vehicles to create a market or focus on the availability of renewable energy (first) is ongoing.
If cities particularly in developing countries postpone electric mobility while waiting for renewable energy to grow, would that slow down their transformation to cleaner mobility systems?
This session presented innovative pathways of moving towards a cleaner energy and transport.
(Tuesday) 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm UTC+08:00
- Day 1
- 2017-10-03
16.00 Introduction and moderation16.00 - .Santhosh (Sunny) Kodukula, Project Coordinator, Wuppertal Institute, Wuppertal, GermanySpeakers: Santhosh Kodukula
. A new local energy and transport system. - .Robin Berg, Founder, LomboXnet, Utrecht, NetherlandsSpeakers: Robin Berg
. Right size – a cornerstone of urban ecomobility. - .Konrad Otto-Zimmermann, Creative Director, The Urban Idea GmbH, Freiburg, GermanySpeakers: Konrad Otto-Zimmermann
. Title to be provided on-site. - .Horace Luke, CEO, Gogoro Inc electric scooters and battery swapping company, TaipeiSpeakers: Horace Luke
. Discussion. - 17.30Sunny Kodukula, Project Coordinator, Wuppertal Institute, Wuppertal, Germany
Speakers for this event
Horace Luke
Horace Luke
CEO, Gogoro Inc electric scooters and battery swapping company, Taipei
Luke is the founder and CEO of Gogoro, in charge of product development and corporate operations. Prior to that, he was the leading designer of the technology industry. He lead the R&D team at HTC company, developing world-class products and his achievements are also acknowledged internationally, including winning the Frost & Sullivan Technology Innovation Award, amongst others. He is said to develop the best mobile phone by the Global Communications Association in 2010. Before that, he worked at Microsoft for ten years, responsiblt for creative ideas and brand building, the first generation of Xbox, Windows XP, and Windows Mobile, and other. He has also worked at Nike and various brands.
CEO, Gogoro Inc electric scooters and ba...
Konrad Otto-Zimmermann
Konrad Otto-Zimmermann
Creative Director, The Urban Idea GmbH, Freiburg, Germany
Konrad Otto-Zimmermann, urban planner and sustainability expert, is an urban thought leader and innovator. He coined the term and meaning of “ecomobility” in 2007 in order to allow the entirety of walking, cycling, wheeling and use of public transport to be expressed in a single term. Formerly Secretary General of ICLEI, he conceived the EcoMobility World Festivals (motto: “one neighborhood, one month, ecomobile”) and inspires them as creative director. His team is working on a compendium of human-scale ecomobility vehicles and mobility aids and produces media for campaigns to promote ecomobility.
Creative Director, The Urban Idea GmbH, ...
Robin Berg
Robin Berg
Founder, LomboXnet, Utrecht, Netherlands
Robin Berg (1970) is a sustainable entrepreneur and innovator based in the city of Utrecht, the Netherlands. Since 1999, Robin has invested in solar power generation. This lead to involvement in the innovation project ‘Smart Grids: efficient for everyone’. This project resulted in 2015 in the establishment of the Smart Solar Charging consortium, of which Robin is director. The consortium unites key parties in the value chain to jointly develop and roll-out Smart Solar Charging bidirectional networks.
Founder, LomboXnet, Utrecht, Netherlands
Santhosh Kodukula
Santhosh Kodukula
Project Coordinator, Wuppertal Institute of Climate, Environment and Energy, Germany
Santhosh (Sunny) works as a project co-ordinator in the Research Unit on Mobility in International Cooperation at the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy. He also conducts research on human behavior and sustainable mobility, active mobility, climate policy and urban mobility, focusing on emerging economies. His clients include the European Commission, the Federal Government of Germany Prior to the Wuppertal Institute, Sunny was the EcoMobility Program Manager at the ICLEI, providing technical assistance to cities on urban mobility planning and implementation. Sunny also worked with the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) providing technical assistance to national and local governments in Asia and Pacific on sustainable mobility.
Project Coordinator, Wuppertal Institute...

Event Details
A Mayors’ Banquet was hosted by the Kaohsiung city government for all Mayors, Vice mayors, heads of transport, city leaders and speakers. It was an excellent avenue for more interaction and
Event Details
A Mayors’ Banquet was hosted by the Kaohsiung city government for all Mayors, Vice mayors, heads of transport, city leaders and speakers. It was an excellent avenue for more interaction and exchange amongst the key transport leaders in a less formal atmosphere.
Photo credit: (c) City of Kaohsiung
(Tuesday) 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm UTC+08:00
Kaohsiung City Government

Event Details
By 2030, more than half of the world’s population will live in cities and the growing middle-class society will continue its insatiable desire to buy and own personal
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By 2030, more than half of the world’s population will live in cities and the growing middle-class society will continue its insatiable desire to buy and own personal cars. However, the future does not have to be such. How can we shift and avoid the streets being swamped with private (autonomous) vehicles? As transport is a cross-cutting theme, a systems approach is needed to match the current resources and assets with the city’s needs for movement of people and freight.
How can cities envision a future with a mix of mobility systems that is equitable, people-friendly and low carbon? How is the future urban mobility designed by a mayor? How, from a perspective of a transport expert?
Guiding questions
- What are the main drivers and barriers in building integrated and shared mobility?
- What are the enabling conditions that allow shared mobility to thrive?
- How can public and private resources and systems be synergized to provide an integrated mobility system?
- If autonomous vehicles were to be deployed in cities, how should it be implemented? What should governments anticipate?
- How can different government levels align agendas and goals with integrated policies and institutional frameworks?
Photo credit: (c) City of Kaohsiung
(Wednesday) 9:00 am - 10:30 am
- Day 1
- 2017-10-04
09.00 Introduction and moderation09.00 - 09.05Emani Kumar, Deputy Secretary General, ICLEI South Asia Secretariat, New Delhi, IndiaSpeakers: Emani Kumar
09.05 A different approach to health and mobility09.05 - 09.30Jan van Zanen, Mayor, Utrecht, Netherlands (keynote)Speakers: Jan van Zanen
09.30 The future of mobility is shared 09.30 - 09.55Robin Chase, Founder, ZipCar, Veniam, USA (keynote)Speakers: Robin Chase
09.55 Q&A with the keynote speakers09.55 - 10.25Emani Kumar, Deputy Secretary General, ICLEI South Asia Secretariat, New Delhi, IndiaSpeakers: Emani Kumar
10.25 Closing10.25 - 10.30Emani Kumar, Deputy Secretary General, ICLEI South Asia Secretariat, New Delhi, IndiaSpeakers: Emani Kumar
Speakers for this event
Emani Kumar
Emani Kumar
Deputy Secretary General, ICLEI South Asia Secretariat, New Delhi, India
Deputy Secretary General, ICLEI South As...
Jan van Zanen
Jan van Zanen
Mayor, Utrecht, Netherlands
Jan van Zanen was born in 1961, and spent his childhood in the city of Edam-Volendam. He completed his law studies at the VU University Amsterdam and at Cornell University Law School in Ithaca, New York, USA. He was appointed Alderman of Financial and Economic Affairs, Public Space and Monuments in 1998, which he remained for seven years. Between 2003 and 2008, he was national chairman of the VVD. Mr Van Zanen was Mayor of Amstelveen between 2005 and 2013. Since January 1st 2014 he is Mayor of Utrecht, and since June 3rd 2015 he is charmain of the Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG).
Mayor, Utrecht, Netherlands
Robin Chase
Robin Chase
Founder, ZipCar, GoLoco, Buzzcar, Veniam ‘Works, USA
Robin Chase is a transportation entrepreneur. She is co-founder and former CEO of Zipcar, the largest carsharing company in the world, as well as co-founder and board member of Veniam, a vehicle communications company building the networking fabric for the Internet of Moving Things. She recently published Peers Inc: How People and Platforms are Inventing the Collaborative Economy and Reinventing Capitalism. Her current passion is working with cities to maximize the transformation possible with the introduction of self driving cars.
Founder, ZipCar, GoLoco, Buzzcar, Veniam...

Event Details
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development highlights that partnerships, including with the private sector, is fundamental in implementing and realizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Thus the question
Event Details
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development highlights that partnerships, including with the private sector, is fundamental in implementing and realizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Thus the question is no longer whether private sectors should participate in advancing sustainable mobility but how they should do so?
An example from Delta Group, a large international company for electronics production showed how the private sector supported efforts towards sustainable urban mobility and how they defined business responsibilities in finding innovative sustainable urban mobility solutions to create a livable urban future.
Photo credit: (c) City of Kaohsiung
(Wednesday) 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm UTC+08:00
- Day 1
- 2017-10-04
14.00 Introduction and moderation 14.00 - 14.05Shu Zhu, Regional Director, ICLEI East Asia Secretariat, Seoul, KoreaSpeakers: Shu Zhu
14.05 Mitigating Climate Change: Sustainability Development in mobility14.05 - 14.25With climate change, Delta, as an industry leader, adopted a long-term strategy to provide efficient and clean transportation and buildings. These include electric car charging facility, an integrated LED street lighting solution, and port crane energy recovery system that are used locally and internationally - slowly moving cities towards sustainable development.
Bruce Cheng, Founder, Delta Group, Taipei (keynote)
Speakers: Bruce Cheng14.25 Q&A14.25 - 14.30Q&A
Speakers for this event
Bruce Cheng
Bruce Cheng
Founder of Delta Group
Bruce is the Founder of Delta Group, one of the biggest Taiwanese company.
Founder of Delta Group
Shu Zhu
Shu Zhu
Regional Director, ICLEI East Asia Secretariat, Seoul, Korea
Regional Director, ICLEI East Asia Secre...

Event Details
The urban mobility scenes in cities from New York to Delhi to Tokyo are shifting. These changes are poised to fundamentally revolutionize how people and goods move in
Event Details
The urban mobility scenes in cities from New York to Delhi to Tokyo are shifting. These changes are poised to fundamentally revolutionize how people and goods move in cities, one that allow people to travel more efficiently, affordably, and in various modes.
While this transition is clear, the questions remain – will the industry evolve incrementally but retains its roots on a car-centric society, or will it cross the tipping point and welcome an era of fully ecomobile, autonomous and shared mobility? How will the future mobility system take shape in various urban environments? How can developed cities accelerate uptake, while developing countries leapfrog to a cleaner, more accessible and integrated mobility system? If these trends and realities materialize, how should public and private actors anticipate and respond to this change? This plenary explored the different urban development trajectory and presented opportunities towards a sustainable and ecomobile urban mobility system.
- Explore different future urban mobility scenarios and development pathways in developed and developing cities and present risks and opportunities in making the sustainable urban mobility a reality.
- Recap the Congress events and reflect on the discussions and highlights.
- Introduce ICLEI EcoMobility’s Urban Mobility plan.
- Adopt and present the Kaohsiung Strategies which represents the local leaders’ commitment and key messages on sustainable urban mobility for the upcoming COP-23 in Bonn, Germany.
Photo credit: (c) City of Kaohsiung
(Wednesday) 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm UTC+08:00
- Day 1
- 2017-10-04
14.00 Introduction and moderation 14.00 - 14.05Monika Zimmermann, Deputy Secretary General, ICLEI Speakers: Monika Zimmermann
14.05 Recap on the EcoMobility World Congress 2017 (Video Presentation)14.05 - 14.09Video Presentation
14.09 Message from the Mayor of Bonn (Video Presentation)14.09 - 14.11Ashok Sridharan, Mayor, Bonn, Germany
14.11 Our messages on current and future challenges in urban mobility14.11 - 14.21The Kaohsiung Strategies for the Future of Urban Mobility (Congress outcome) Monika Zimmermann, Deputy Secretary General, ICLEISpeakers: Monika Zimmermann
14.21 The future of mobility in our cities, are we prepared?14.21 - 15.21Discussion with panel and audience Robin Chase, Founder, ZipCar, GoLoco, Buzzcar, Veniam ‘Works, USA Clayton Lane, CEO, Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP), New York, USA Lloyd Wright, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Manila, Philippines Huey Yee Yoong, Vice-President - National Transformation Plan Implementation, PEMANDU Associates, Greater Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tim Schubert, Senior Mobility Expert, German Environmental Agency, Germany Andrea Garcia, ICLEI EcoMobility Program Manager, ICLEI World Secretariat, Bonn, Germany Speakers: Andrea Garcia, Clayton Lane, Huey Yee Yoong, Lloyd Wright, Robin Chase, Tim Schubert
15.21 Speech of the Mayor of Kaohsiung15.21 - 15.24Chen Chu, Mayor, KaohsiungSpeakers: Chen Chu
15.24 Declaring the Kaohsiung Strategies as adopted 15.24 - 15.34The Kaohsiung Strategies for the Future of Urban Mobility
. Thank you and farewell . - 16.00Thank you and farewell
Speakers for this event
Andrea Garcia
Andrea Garcia
ICLEI EcoMobility Program Manager, ICLEI World Secretariat, Bonn, Germany
Andrea Garcia, ICLEI EcoMobility Program Manager, ICLEI World Secretariat, Bonn, Germany
ICLEI EcoMobility Program Manager, ICLEI...
Ashok Sridharan
Ashok Sridharan
Mayor, Bonn, Germany
Ashok Sridharan, Mayor, Bonn, Germany
Mayor, Bonn, Germany
Clayton Lane
Clayton Lane
CEO, Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP), New York, USA
CEO, Institute for Transportation and De...
Huey Yee Yoong
Huey Yee Yoong
Vice-President - National Transformation Plan Implementation, PEMANDU Associates, Greater Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Vice-President - National Transformation Plan Implementation, PEMANDU Associates, Greater Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Vice-President - National Transformation...
Lloyd Wright
Lloyd Wright
Asian Development Bank (ADB), Manila, Philippines
Lloyd Wright, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Manila, Philippines
Asian Development Bank (ADB), Manila, Ph...
Monika Zimmermann
Monika Zimmermann
Deputy Secretary General, ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, Bonn, Germany
Monika's vision as Deputy Secretary General is to enrich all ICLEI agendas through global projects and global city cooperation networks, further improve the consistency, methodology and description of ICLEI's working approaches and to strengthen the relations to new and existing ICLEI partners. Joining ICLEI in 1993 when she started to build up the International Training Center at ICLEI European Secretariat. In 2010, she joined the World Secretariat, where she manages the teams working on global events, knowledge management, urban research, EcoMobility and Future City Leaders. Since 2012, she assumed the role of Deputy Executive Director of the ICLEI e.V., the legal body of the ICLEI World Secretariat where she takes the responsibility as Finance Director. She also supervises the Capacity Center, the Resilient Cities and EcoMobility Teams, as well as the development and coordination of ICLEI's agendas on Resource-Efficient Cities and Green Urban Economy.
Deputy Secretary General, ICLEI - Local ...
Robin Chase
Robin Chase
Founder, ZipCar, GoLoco, Buzzcar, Veniam ‘Works, USA
Robin Chase is a transportation entrepreneur. She is co-founder and former CEO of Zipcar, the largest carsharing company in the world, as well as co-founder and board member of Veniam, a vehicle communications company building the networking fabric for the Internet of Moving Things. She recently published Peers Inc: How People and Platforms are Inventing the Collaborative Economy and Reinventing Capitalism. Her current passion is working with cities to maximize the transformation possible with the introduction of self driving cars.
Founder, ZipCar, GoLoco, Buzzcar, Veniam...
Tim Schubert
Tim Schubert
Senior Expert mobility, German Environment Agency, Dessau-Rosslau
Tim is responsible for developing concepts, measures and instruments to promote sustainable urban mobility, specifically urban freight and logistics, such as government support programmes. He oversees research projects in urban transport that are aimed at evaluating existing good practice and formulating scenarios and forecasts on measures to reduce air pollution and noise to improve liveability in cities. Furthermore, Tim was part of the team who prepared the brochure “Tomorrow’s Cities” which envisions cities with less cars and higher living standards based on a comprehensive set of planning, monetary and regulative measures.
Senior Expert mobility, German Environme...
The Mayors’ Track was a specific agenda tailored to mayors, deputy mayors, and heads of transport to maximize their experience at the Festival and the Congress. Participants benefited from opportunities for visibility and to meet other local leaders on the ground in Kaohsiung.